micone.validation package


micone.validation.network_schema module

Module that defines the schema for interactions, pvalues, networks and their metadata

class micone.validation.network_schema.ChildrenmapType(required=False, default=Undefined, serialized_name=None, choices=None, validators=None, deserialize_from=None, export_level=None, serialize_when_none=None, messages=None, metadata=None)[source]

Bases: BaseType

DataType that describes the expected structure of the children map dictionary

MESSAGES = {'choices': <schematics.translator.LazyText object>, 'required': <schematics.translator.LazyText object>}
class micone.validation.network_schema.CorrelationmatrixType(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: InteractionmatrixType

DataType that describes the expected structure of a correlation matrix

MESSAGES = {'choices': <schematics.translator.LazyText object>, 'required': <schematics.translator.LazyText object>}
class micone.validation.network_schema.ElistType(required=False, default=Undefined, serialized_name=None, choices=None, validators=None, deserialize_from=None, export_level=None, serialize_when_none=None, messages=None, metadata=None)[source]

Bases: BaseType

DataType that describes the expected structure of an edge list

MESSAGES = {'choices': <schematics.translator.LazyText object>, 'required': <schematics.translator.LazyText object>}
class micone.validation.network_schema.InteractionmatrixType(symm=False, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: BaseType

DataType that describes the expected structure of an interaction matrix


symm (bool, optional) – True if interaction matrix is expected to be symmetric Default value is False

MESSAGES = {'choices': <schematics.translator.LazyText object>, 'required': <schematics.translator.LazyText object>}

Check whether the rows and columns are the same


Check whether the object is a pandas DataFrame


Check whether the the interaction matrix is symmetric

class micone.validation.network_schema.LinkModel(raw_data=None, trusted_data=None, deserialize_mapping=None, init=True, partial=True, strict=True, validate=False, app_data=None, lazy=False, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Model

Model that describes the structure of one link in the network

pvalue = <FloatType() instance on LinkModel as 'pvalue'>
source = <StringType() instance on LinkModel as 'source'>
target = <StringType() instance on LinkModel as 'target'>
weight = <FloatType() instance on LinkModel as 'weight'>
class micone.validation.network_schema.LinksModel(raw_data=None, trusted_data=None, deserialize_mapping=None, init=True, partial=True, strict=True, validate=False, app_data=None, lazy=False, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Model

Model that describes the structure of one link in the network

class micone.validation.network_schema.MetadataModel(raw_data=None, trusted_data=None, deserialize_mapping=None, init=True, partial=True, strict=True, validate=False, app_data=None, lazy=False, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Model

Model that describes the expected structure of the network metadata input

condition = <StringType() instance on MetadataModel as 'condition'>
description = <StringType() instance on MetadataModel as 'description'>
experimental_metadata = <DictType(StringType) instance on MetadataModel as 'experimental_metadata'>
host = <StringType() instance on MetadataModel as 'host'>
location = <StringType() instance on MetadataModel as 'location'>
publication = <ModelType(PublicationModel) instance on MetadataModel as 'publication'>
class micone.validation.network_schema.NetworkmetadataModel(raw_data=None, trusted_data=None, deserialize_mapping=None, init=True, partial=True, strict=True, validate=False, app_data=None, lazy=False, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: MetadataModel

Model that describes the expected structure of the network metadata

computational_metadata = <DictType(UnionType) instance on NetworkmetadataModel as 'computational_metadata'>
condition = <StringType() instance on NetworkmetadataModel as 'condition'>
description = <StringType() instance on NetworkmetadataModel as 'description'>
directionality = <StringType() instance on NetworkmetadataModel as 'directionality'>
experimental_metadata = <DictType(StringType) instance on NetworkmetadataModel as 'experimental_metadata'>
host = <StringType() instance on NetworkmetadataModel as 'host'>
interaction_type = <StringType() instance on NetworkmetadataModel as 'interaction_type'>
location = <StringType() instance on NetworkmetadataModel as 'location'>
publication = <ModelType(PublicationModel) instance on NetworkmetadataModel as 'publication'>
class micone.validation.network_schema.NodeModel(raw_data=None, trusted_data=None, deserialize_mapping=None, init=True, partial=True, strict=True, validate=False, app_data=None, lazy=False, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Model

Model that describes the structure of one node in the network

abundance = <FloatType() instance on NodeModel as 'abundance'>
children = <ListType(StringType) instance on NodeModel as 'children'>
id = <StringType() instance on NodeModel as 'id'>
lineage = <StringType() instance on NodeModel as 'lineage'>
name = <StringType() instance on NodeModel as 'name'>
taxid = <IntType() instance on NodeModel as 'taxid'>
taxlevel = <StringType() instance on NodeModel as 'taxlevel'>
class micone.validation.network_schema.NodesModel(raw_data=None, trusted_data=None, deserialize_mapping=None, init=True, partial=True, strict=True, validate=False, app_data=None, lazy=False, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Model

Model that describes the structure of the nodes in the network

nodes = <ListType(ModelType) instance on NodesModel as 'nodes'>
class micone.validation.network_schema.PublicationModel(raw_data=None, trusted_data=None, deserialize_mapping=None, init=True, partial=True, strict=True, validate=False, app_data=None, lazy=False, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Model

Model that describes the expected structure of the publication input

authors = <ListType(DictType) instance on PublicationModel as 'authors'>
date = <DateType() instance on PublicationModel as 'date'>
pubmed_id = <StringType() instance on PublicationModel as 'pubmed_id'>
class micone.validation.network_schema.PvaluematrixType(symm=False, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: InteractionmatrixType

DataType that describes the expected structure of a pvalue matrix

MESSAGES = {'choices': <schematics.translator.LazyText object>, 'required': <schematics.translator.LazyText object>}

micone.validation.otu_schema module

Module that defines the schema for a valid OTU table

class micone.validation.otu_schema.BiomType(norm=False, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: BaseType

DataType that describes the expected structure and format for the biom.Table


norm (bool, optional) – True if abundances are normalized Default value is False

MESSAGES = {'choices': <schematics.translator.LazyText object>, 'required': <schematics.translator.LazyText object>}

Check whether the data in the Table is valid


Check whether the indices in the Table are valid


Check whether the object is a biom.Table


Check whether the observation metadata in the Table is valid


Check whether the sample metadata in the Table is valid


Check whether the samples (columns) of the Table are valid

class micone.validation.otu_schema.DataType(norm, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: BaseType

” DataType that describes the expected structure and format for abundance values

MESSAGES = {'choices': <schematics.translator.LazyText object>, 'required': <schematics.translator.LazyText object>}
class micone.validation.otu_schema.HeaderType(required=False, default=Undefined, serialized_name=None, choices=None, validators=None, deserialize_from=None, export_level=None, serialize_when_none=None, messages=None, metadata=None)[source]

Bases: BaseType

DataType that describes the expected structure and format for the sample headers

MESSAGES = {'choices': <schematics.translator.LazyText object>, 'required': <schematics.translator.LazyText object>}

Check whether the header is valid

class micone.validation.otu_schema.IndexType(required=False, default=Undefined, serialized_name=None, choices=None, validators=None, deserialize_from=None, export_level=None, serialize_when_none=None, messages=None, metadata=None)[source]

Bases: BaseType

DataType that describes the expected structure and format for the OTU indices

MESSAGES = {'choices': <schematics.translator.LazyText object>, 'required': <schematics.translator.LazyText object>}
class micone.validation.otu_schema.ObsmetaType(required=False, default=Undefined, serialized_name=None, choices=None, validators=None, deserialize_from=None, export_level=None, serialize_when_none=None, messages=None, metadata=None)[source]

Bases: BaseType

DataType that describes the expected structure and format for the observation metadata

MESSAGES = {'choices': <schematics.translator.LazyText object>, 'required': <schematics.translator.LazyText object>}
class micone.validation.otu_schema.SamplemetaType(required=False, default=Undefined, serialized_name=None, choices=None, validators=None, deserialize_from=None, export_level=None, serialize_when_none=None, messages=None, metadata=None)[source]

Bases: BaseType

DataType that describes the expected structure and format for the sample metadata

MESSAGES = {'choices': <schematics.translator.LazyText object>, 'required': <schematics.translator.LazyText object>}

micone.validation.otu_validator module

Module that deals with the validation of an OTU table

class micone.validation.otu_validator.OtuValidator(dtype: str, ext: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Bases: object

Validates input OTU table file and returns the Otu instance of the file

  • dtype ({'biom', 'tsv'}) – The type of OtuValidator instance to be created

  • ext (str, optional) – The extension of the file if other than supported extensions Supported extensions: ‘tsv’ dtype: ‘tsv’, ‘txt’, ‘counts’ ‘biom’ dtype: ‘biom’, ‘hdf5’


Dictionary showing the current configuration of the instance


Dict[str, Any]


The schmatics validator instance




ValidationError – If any of the files do not conform to the schema outlines in otu_schema


We assume that the extension dictates the filetype

property configuration: Dict[str, Union[str, List[str]]]

Dictionary showing the current configuration of the instance

Return type:

Dict[str, Union[str, List[str]]]

load_validate(otu_file: Path, meta_file: Optional[Path] = None, tax_file: Optional[Path] = None) Table[source]

Load the data and validate

  • otu_file (pathlib.Path) – The path to the OTU counts table

  • meta_file (pathlib.Path, optional) – The path to the sample metadata file This argument is required if dtype is ‘tsv’

  • tax_file (pathlib.Path, optional) – The path to the taxonomy file This argument is required if dtype is ‘tsv’


biom.Table containing all the data

Return type:


Module contents