Source code for micone.setup.environments

    Module that defines the environment setup for processes

import pathlib
from typing import Iterable, Optional

from ..pipelines import Command
from ..logging import LOG

ENV_DIR = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.parent / "pipelines/envs"

[docs]class Environments: """ A class that creates, lists and loads conda environments Attributes ---------- configs : List[pathlib.Path] The list of locations of the environment config files env_names : List[str] The list of names of environments """ def __init__(self) -> None: self.configs = list(ENV_DIR.glob("**/env.yml")) self.env_names = [f"{c.parent.stem}" for c in self.configs]
[docs] def init(self, env: Optional[str] = None) -> Iterable[Command]: """ Initialize the requested conda environment Parameters ---------- env : Optional[str] The name of the conda environment to initialize If None then all the listed conda environments will be initialized Default value is None Yields ------ Command The currently running initialization command """ if env is None: for config, env_name in zip(self.configs, self.env_names):"Initializing {env_name} environment") cmd_str = f"mamba env create -f {config} -n {env_name}" init_cmd = Command(cmd_str, profile="local", timeout=10000) yield init_cmd elif env in self.env_names: ind = self.env_names.index(env) config = self.configs[ind] env_name = self.env_names[ind]"Initializing {env_name} environment") cmd_str = f"mamba env create -f {config} -n {env_name}" init_cmd = Command(cmd_str, profile="local", timeout=10000) yield init_cmd elif env not in self.env_names: raise ValueError(f"{env} not a supported environment")
[docs] def post_install(self, env: Optional[str] = None) -> Iterable[Command]: """ Run any post installation scripts for environment setup Parameters ---------- env : Optional[str] The name of the conda environment to setup If None then all the listed conda environments will be initialized Default value is None Yields ------ Command The currently running post_install command """ if env is None: post_scripts = list(ENV_DIR.glob("**/")) else: post_scripts = list(ENV_DIR.glob(f"**/{env}/")) for script in post_scripts: cmd_str = f"bash {script}" f"Running post_install for {script.parent.stem} environment" ) post_cmd = Command(cmd_str, profile="local", timeout=10000) yield post_cmd
[docs] def load(self, env: str) -> None: """ Load the requested conda environment Parameters ---------- env : str The name of the conda environment to load """ if env not in self.env_names: raise ValueError(f"{env} not a supported environment") ind = self.env_names.index(env) env_name = self.env_names[ind] cmd_str = f"conda activate {env_name}""Loading {env} environment") load_cmd = Command(cmd_str, profile="local", timeout=10000)