Source code for micone.logging.logger

    Module that contains the logger configuration

import pathlib
import random
import string

from loguru import logger

TMP_FOL = pathlib.Path("/tmp/micone")

[docs]class Log: """ Class that handles the logging Wrapper around `loguru.logger` Parameters ---------- folder : pathlib.Path Path to the folder containing the log files The folder must already exist format_str : str Format string for the log file "timestamp | level | message" disable : bool Flag to disable logging at the start Default value is True Attributes ---------- path : pathlib.Path The path to the log file config : dict The dictionary used to configure the `loguru.logger` logger : loguru.logger The main logging object """ def __init__( self, folder: pathlib.Path, format_str: str, disable: bool = True ) -> None: fname = ( "".join(random.choices(string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits, k=16)) + ".log" ) self._folder = folder self.path = folder / fname self.config = {"handlers": [{"sink": str(self.path), "format": format_str}]} logger.configure(**self.config) self.logger = logger if disable: self.logger.disable("micone")
[docs] def enable(self) -> None: """ Enable logging """ self.logger.enable("micone")
[docs] def cleanup(self, nfiles: int = 20) -> None: """ Delete old logs if number > nfiles Parameters ---------- nfiles : int The threshold for number of log files beyond which the older ones are deleted Default value is 10 """ log_files = list(self._folder.glob("*.log")) log_files_srtd = sorted( log_files, key=lambda x: x.stat().st_mtime, reverse=True ) log_files_remove = log_files_srtd[nfiles:] for file in log_files_remove: file.unlink()
LOG = Log(TMP_FOL, format_str="{time:YYYY-MM-DD at HH:mm:ss} | {level} | {message}")