Source code for micone.conversion.taxmetadata_converter

    Module containing methods that convert taxonomy metadata into various formats

import csv
import pathlib
from typing import Dict, List

import pandas as pd

from ..validation.otu_schema import ObsmetaType
from ..main import Lineage

[docs]def qiime2_to_default(in_file: pathlib.Path, out_file: pathlib.Path) -> None: """ Convert Taxonomy metadata file from qiime2 to default format Parameters ---------- in_file : pathlib.Path The path to the qiime2 formatted input file out_file : pathlib.Path The path to the default format output file """ with open(in_file, "r") as fid: csv_reader = csv.reader(fid, delimiter="\t") data_dict: Dict[str, List[str]] = {key: [] for key in ObsmetaType._req_keys} data_dict["ID"] = [] header, *rest = csv_reader ekey = ObsmetaType._extra_keys[0] # the Confidence value if ekey in header: data_dict[ekey] = [] for line in rest: if line[0].startswith("#q2:types"): continue lineage = Lineage.from_str(line[header.index("Taxon")]) data_dict["ID"].append(line[0]) for rkey in ObsmetaType._req_keys: data_dict[rkey].append(getattr(lineage, rkey)) if ekey in data_dict: data_dict[ekey].append(line[header.index(ekey)]) df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(data_dict) df.set_index("ID", inplace=True, verify_integrity=True) df.to_csv(out_file, index=True)
[docs]def qiime1_to_default(in_file: pathlib.Path, out_file: pathlib.Path) -> None: """ Convert Taxonomy metadata file from qiime1 to default format Parameters ---------- in_file : pathlib.Path The path to the qiime1 formatted input file out_file : pathlib.Path The path to the default format output file """ pass
[docs]def default_to_qiime2(in_file: pathlib.Path, out_file: pathlib.Path) -> None: """ Convert Taxonomy metadata file from default format to qiime2 Parameters ---------- in_file : pathlib.Path The path to the default format input file out_file : pathlib.Path The path to the qiime2 formatted output file """ pass
CONVERTERS = { ("qiime2", "default"): qiime2_to_default, ("qiime1", "default"): qiime1_to_default, ("default", "qiime2"): default_to_qiime2, }